Saturday, 21 January 2017

OOC in s4?
 (A Sherlock Meta conversation between doris-the-elephantcumberbatch-hiddlestonall-hail-queen-mycroft, and thecutteralicia)


All I fucking want is for someone to explain in what universe, after everything they’ve been through together, does Sherlock point a gun to himself


and John is like


instead of stopping him?!

And in what universe is John fucking drowning


And Sherlock’s like


And people are wondering why are so many fans upset, why they were rooting for this to be a fake episode? Yeah, among other shitload of things, you just basically killed these two characters and everything they used to stand for, for the sake of a soap opera/horror movie plot, no big deal. Why, why do this? If you love these characters you wouldn’t do this. I’m just so sad, this is not “Sherlock” anymore. I have the right to be upset, my favorite show has been mutilated beyond recognition. damn right I’m gonna rant about it.


Sure, what they should have done was completely panic! That certainly aligns with the characters we’ve seen so far - you know, John and Sherlock in their many life-threatening situations before this have always just crumpled into puddles of hysterical goo and not, like, urgently yet as calmly as they can assess the situation and find a way out.

John, an experienced soldier and doctor who is intimately familiar with firearms, should definitely have shouted, screamed, and wrestled a loaded gun from a man holding it with both hands under his chin with his finger on the trigger. There is absolutely no way that would have gone wrong. In fact, not only would everything have been fine but then Eurus would have let them leave because she was just so impressed!

And Sherlock should totally have just stood in front of the screen and ranted and cried at John rather than rushing to find him and get him out. Sure, John would have definitely died but at least Sherlock would have had the emotionally visceral reaction of shouting at a screen while he witnessed it.

Seriously, you claim to “love” these characters? Then why do you seem to know nothing about their personalities and how they’ve been shown for seven years?




For a clever show, some of these fans are incredibly dim witted.


Yes, that totally explains how Johh who is a soldier can’t tell what a fucking grenade is. And how they all just stood there and waited for the fucker to land and activate itself, that was the best thing to do.

I didn’t say John had to panic, let’s not be overly dramatic, but have you not seen how they both reacted when the Governor was about to shoot himself? At least there WAS a reaction.

Sherlock jumped into the fire to save John before, so excuse me for being pissed off at him for not giving a flying fuck about him now. Someone said he had to find Eurus to know where to find John, it was a fucking well and he’s Sherlock, he didn’t need Eurus to tell him. So yeah, he wasted precious time on a dumb puzzle and almost left John to drown. Cause none of that is OOC, at all.


1. Why in the world would John recognize a grenade that in show was explained as a brand new weapon? Do you realize how many different types of grenade exist to inflict various levels of force (including fragmentation, stun, chemical, concussion grenades etc.) and that very few of them look like the “pineapple” type we’re used to seeing? The one in show obviously doesn’t exist in real life so it hardly matters that in reality it’s not the right size to be any grenade John would have encountered ten years ago in the military, since the show already established it’s a new weapon. Even if John were an explosives expert, unless he kept up on the latest trends after leaving the military he wouldn’t know it. And aside from all that there’s a huge leap between “not being familiar with the latest cutting edge military weapons a decade out” and “being experienced in firearms and knowing basic protocol and safety, like not trying to grab a loaded weapon from someone.”

2. Gee, it’s almost like characters have different reactions in different circumstances. The governor’s death was shocking and their first incident seeing what Eurus was capable of, and reacting strongly to it played clearly into her hands. By the time they got to the last room, they’d witnessed four other people get killed plus Sherlock have a violent breakdown. They’d discussed how they all needed to act like soldiers to get through it. Now John and Mycroft were clearly horrified when Sherlock turned the gun on himself - you can see it in their faces and the way both immediately step forward - but at that point they were beyond the immediate shock of shouting to a stranger as they had in the first room. I found their reaction all the more meaningful because this time, it wasn’t with someone they hardly knew (or only knew professionally), it was Sherlock. Both Mycroft and John love Sherlock so deeply, they were seeing in that moment their hearts about to be ripped out. Holy shit, imagine if Sherlock had gone through with it! Imagine what it would have done for John to not only see Sherlock die again, but this time in undeniable violence. Imagine Mycroft seeing his baby brother’s brains plastered against the wall. Imagine both of them realizing that Sherlock did it only out of love for both of them. It would have wrecked them, both Mycroft and John. What would you have had them say as they caught a glimpse of their hearts about to be ripped apart? The looks Mark Gatiss and Martin Freeman gave showed that, because they are excellent actors.

3. How in the world could Sherlock find the well and get the water turned off without Eurus? The entire point is that no one found the well when Victor was down there, even with his shouting, so the well was old and isolated. It looked like the house was on a sizable piece of land, surrounded by woods, and even then we don’t even know if the well was on their land or neighboring land. England has been inhabited for 800,000 years, are you aware of how many fucking old wells are scattered randomly through the countryside and woods? You are seriously suggesting that Sherlock - rather than go to the one person who knew exactly where the well was and controlled the water intake - for the answer, he should have run and randomly transversed however many squares meters of land until he found it? How exactly is that an efficient use of time? I honestly can’t believe your solution is, “Sherlock should just have known where this thing was magically.” And you’re criticizing others for plot holes?

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