Sunday, 22 January 2017

Does Sherlock have a personality disorder because of his childhood trauma?
 (Sherlock meta by mizjoely)

While chatting with @sherlolly I had a bit of an epiphany regarding Sherlock, in that he actually has a sort of personality disorder because of his childhood trauma. He now has to integrate the emotional self he truly is with the coldly logical self he imposed upon himself after Eurus killed his best friend and burned down the family house. It’s almost like he suffered from DID, and now he’s merging those two personalities into a new Sherlock Holmes. And I don’t think he could have managed it if it wasn’t for Molly Hooper and John Watson.

He told Molly in TRF that he’d ALWAYS trusted her and that she’d ALWAYS counted. I think it’s because of her that he was able to form a real emotional bond with John Watson, and because of that emotional bond, he was better able to understand and forgive his sister for her actions. Without Molly and John, Sherlock could never have brought her home (or as close to home as she’ll ever be capable of).

Of course I’m not a psychologist and have no background in psychology so I’m sure I’m way off base, but this is how it struck me today and as we all know, I’m crap at meta so we’ll just call this musings.

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