Mycroft and mummy Holmes
(Sherlock meta by enigmaticpenguinofdeath)
Anonymous: Non tblr user who follows you anyway. I need to get something off my chest. I can't be the only one who's angry with Mummy Holmes, right? I mean, I get that she was upset Mycroft had lied about Eurus being dead, but,come on! You're the one who a) raised a psycopath who murdered your son's best friend, then tried to kill HIM by setting the house of fire, and b) raised junkie Sherlock, who Mycroft takes care of while you're comfortably living in the countryside. And you dare to call him "limited"!?
enigmaticpenguinofdeath: Hey Anon - yeah I must say my estimation of Mrs Holmes has rather gone down a bit with TFP.
It has to be said that if you’ve got a five year old super genius who doesn’t seem to understand pain/empathy in the slightest and is able to kill another child - that has to be a fairly difficult thing to cope with. They can’t be completely oblivious because you hear them discussing “we can’t make her do anything”, and were apparently getting their kids professional assessments.
And Sherlock and Mycroft do seem fond of their parents, to a degree. Mycroft has a photo of them in his house, he took them to see Les Mis (horror!). Sherlock had them visit and natter away in TEH, and we hear that the boys told them the truth about Sherlock faking his death - so they didn’t want to worry them. But you can be fond of and even love people who are quite shitty to you; plenty of people with abusive parents could vouch for that.
Back in HLV the Mycroft & Mummy bickering seemed to be jokey family banter - about his name and leaving work stuff lying around. Mycroft was being a Christmas grouch so that’s understandable really. But by the time we get to the “you should have done better” and “he’s very limited” comments - those were harsh. Yes she’s obviously emotional, and the taking his hand in the scene at the end suggests some thawing, but it’s fueled a suspicion that Mycroft has always had the shitty end of the stick when it comes to their parents’ view of them.
As with my gifset yesterday - Mycroft repeatedly takes the blame for anything and everythng to do with Sherlock as well as himself. That’s a habit I say he picked up in childhood - he’s the oldest, he’s supposed to be the responsible one. Calling Sherlock the grown up? Hmm, not something I quite buy.
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