Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Discussion about OOC Mycroft at Sherrinford


I’m sorry but Mycroft Ice Man Cometh Holmes was kicked back in Serbia watching his brother get tortured with a lead pipe without batting an eyelash

who the FUCK is this guy?


mark gatiss


I’ve been saying this since first viewing, EVERYONE is OOC. Sherlock is the adult, and ignores Vatican Cameos? Mycroft can’t stand seeing a man kill himself? John can’t ID the bones of a dog vs human child? Fucky. Fuckery. And Fuckiest.


My takes, such as they are:

–I think Sherlock was definitely *not* an adult at the moment he ignored Vatican Cameos. After all, the Vatican Cameos was in reference to the fact that Euros is adept at ensorcelling people. To me it made perfect sense that he was so deeply fascinated by the sudden discovery of a sister he’d never met that he’d ignore Vatican Cameos. Wise? Absolutely not. But Sherlock is frequently not wise with his own personal safety. And I know I’ve heard people say that it could have been John whose safety was at issue–as it was, kind of–but it just didn’t seem OOC to me that Sherlock would be very caught up in this latest puzzle. It seemed, in fact, very like him to me.

(Also, his parents saying he was the adult I just dismissed as the parents being passive-aggressive the way parents can be.)

–I thought Mycroft was horrified because of how helpless and out-of-control he is. Mycroft handled Sherlock being tortured because surely he’d braced himself to get through that situation and knew how he was going to save him. I’ve also seen people point out that he didn’t crumple when he saw Sherlock kill Magnussen, but he was also compelled to spring into action and get stuff done to save Sherlock there. He had another focus, and it wasn’t Magnussen. I don’t think it’s necessarily the death that bothers Mycroft here; it’s the terrifying helplessness. He is Mycroft Holmes, he is the British government, and people are dying against his command and with nothing for him to do to stop it, and *he caused it.*

–I don’t know enough about dog and human bones to know about this, I confess. I just assumed John was freaking out a little bit and didn’t have much light. And also that he was influenced by what he expected to be finding there.


I think it should also be noted that watching a man blow his own brains out in close proximity is much different than seeing it from a distance or being around cadavers. I won’t go into gory detail, but I have a few EMT friends (who are almost phased by nothing, because visiting horrific scenes of death is their job) and they all say shots to the head are the worst and most upsetting thing they see.

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