Sunday, 19 March 2017

Sherlolly: A Male Newbies Perspective Part 2
 (Sherlock meta by penelope1730)

The guys still have to finish watching His Last Vow, which will probably happen at some point this weekend. But, thought I’d finish by sharing their comments on The Sign of Three. 

First though, I forgot one important thing they mentioned about The Empty Hearse. I’ve been speaking with Cumberbabeusa, so she’s been hip to these conversations, which we’ve talked about with more detail.

One of the reasons all the guys think most of the 1st reveal is true is because of something Lestrade said, in the beginning, while talking with Anderson:

“Molly? Molly Hooper laid him out. He’s dead” (I’m paraphrasing)

But, what the guys noticed is that “laying someone out” is a funeral phrase. It implies there was an open casket funeral for Sherlock. Molly must have done an amazing job for everyone to believe it was him. (How the hell did I miss this!????)

So, according to them, it really could have been Jim Moriarty’s body in the casket, wearing a mask – just like the first reveal showed us. And, the news broadcasts that Lestrade and Anderson are watching never say Moriarty is dead, but that he was a fraud and Sherlock’s vindication came too late.

They feel Molly’s importance to Sherlock was emphasized by the writers by having her name mentioned no less than 7 times with respect to Sherlock’s fake death.

Anderson: 4 in total: 3 times to Lestrade; and 1 to Sherlock asking him to verify Molly’s role.

Sherlock: 3 times in total: 2 to John; 1 to Anderson

This was their “I told you so” to me.

They maintain that Molly is Sherlock’s “woman.”

The Sign of Three:

The guys solved the case almost immediately, leaving me feeling like an idiot. They recognized the photographer and put it together lightening fast.

Over all, they laughed - a lot. They lost it over the midget in the Poison Giant case. I had to pause to let them finish laughing.

My son would love to give that Best Man speech for a wedding coming up in September…not possible though.

They noticed Sherlock “dissing” Molly and wondered how Molly could still be with her “fugly dude.” They’re still pissed off with her for dumping Sherlock and refuse to see it any other way.

They thought it hysterical Sherlock came to see Molly to help with calculate alcohol intake. But then thought her comment:

“We’re having lots of sex” was her way to mess with him, even though she was smiling.

Me: “What? It’s just Molly. Certain things pop out of her mouth before she thinks. She’s just sharing because they’re friends.”

Guys: “Sherlock isn’t her girlfriend, you don’t say stupid shit like that to a guy who’s professed his love to you.” “I hate it when chicks make you beg.”

Me: laughing - “Sherlock isn’t begging, wth, you guys. It’s my turn to ask what show you’re watching.”

Guys: “Shut up, Penelope, yes he is.” “Ugh, that’s just sad. Don’t do it, dude.” “Yeah, but he still wants her. That’s why he’s there.” “Just don’t guzzle your brewskis.” “Let her sweat, she dumped you.” “He’s gonna lose it or take up with some skank.” “Does Sherlock lose it?” “Sherlock Holmes shot up heroin in the books.” “I thought it was coke?” “No, Freud was a coke head, Holmes shot heroin.” “Yeah, he’s like Jimmy Morrison, a rock star, of course he’s gonna shoot up.” “That’s gonna be bad ass.” “He’ll royally fuck someone up while he’s tripping.”

One of the guys starts strumming “This Is The End” on his guitar.

(sidenote: Watching this show has never been so much fun. Just sayin’.)

They take a break to say they really don’t like Mary because she’s screwing John over by hiding who she is. They thought her appearance in John’s life was too convenient. They noticed ALL the stuff - the skip code, telling Sherlock she can tell when he’s lying, lack of people for her side of the church, remembering Sholto’s room number. They have a running bet she’s an Assassin, CIA, MI-6. But, they also think Sherlock knows and is just letting things play out.

I didn’t say a word. But, I have come to the conclusion they can see all this stuff because of years playing video games. Good to know my investment of thousands of dollars in games has paid out equally with college….

Stag night - needless to say this got the most laughs, and whatever calculations / program Molly made went right out the window due to John spiking their beers with shots.

They loved the nurse case and Sherlock’s emotive reaction. Believing, of course, that he was empathizing with being “dumped.”

They thought Sherlock picked on Tom purposely to show Molly she was with an idiot. It was his righteous slap. The guys were high 5'ing Sherlock. Whatever.

In the end, when Sherlock left, they were pretty much in agreement that it was sad:

“Dude, he left early.” “This shit is gonna mess with his head.” “He’s too left brain cerebral, his brain isn’t wired for that stuff.” “Who is Redbeard?” “Damn, he called his brother. He’s totally fucked.”

To be continued….

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