Eurus, Sherlolly and “I Love You”
(Sherlock meta by strawberrypatty)
So a lot is going to be made of THAT SCENE, in several different ways. But we really need to break it down.
Sherlock declares that he won, by getting Molly to tell him “I love you”. But Eurus claims the victory and reveals that Molly was never in any physical danger.
All of Eurus’ games had been lethal ones up until then. But then she forced Sherlock to get Molly to say 'I love you'. With how intelligent Eurus is, she KNEW Sherlock was going to have to say 'I love you' first.
Sherlock says it. Twice. The first time, he says it because Molly told him to say it. And then the second time… There’s a difference in him. Finally he’s said the words and he knows they’re true.
Eurus grew up in a family where “Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side”. The reason why she didn’t have to hurt Molly physically, why she thinks she won, is because Sherlock and Molly DO love each other. It reminds me of the exchange from Batman Returns: “Mistletoe can be deadly if you eat it.” “But a kiss can be even deadlier if you mean it.”
Getting Sherlock to say he loves Molly and for her to say it back is the most destructive thing Eurus can think of, because they both MEAN IT.
Even after Sherlock finds out Molly was never in any danger, he lashes out, destroying the coffin. I think there is an element of wanting to destroy a coffin meant for Molly, but more than that… Eurus has forced Sherlock to expose himself. He’s stripped to the nerve and he’s never been in that position before.
When we next see Molly, she’s coming into 221B, smiling and happy. Eurus hasn’t destroyed the two of them. Their relationship is okay.
Because Eurus is wrong. That kind of reveal isn’t something destructive. Sherlock did win.
They might not have made it 100% crystal clear, but Molly and Sherlock are a couple by the end of The Final Problem.
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