Friday, 31 March 2017

Sherlock and Irene and one night in Karachi
 (Sherlock meta by mae-jones)

Q: Hi I just saw a post here which said that Sherlock slept with Irene in Karachi and it's canon but was it actually stated in the show? I'm kinda confused here coz from what I saw in TFP when Eurus asks if he's had sex ( isn't there an inflection in her tone) he retorts with "why do you ask?" instead of a 'yes' and also isn't Adler's theme a sappy sad song, so from where is this sex part coming from? I kinda got the vibe that he still hasn't crossed that line. Your thoughts? If you don't mind.

A: [...] Sherlock and Irene getting it on was not canonized on the show. However, the ‘one night in Karachi’ was a direct answer to a question about whether Irene and Sherlock had sex during an interview with that Ben guy. He was adamant it happened. Now, if you ask me, I would say that Ben’s comments are a confirmation of them having had sex. You have to remember, he played the character with this in mind. It’s as close to canon as one can get without Sherlock admitting it or us seeing a hot and heavy montage on the show.

But, if you want to envision Sherlock as not having jumped in the sack with Irene (or anyone else), I suppose there’s a wee bit of wiggle room for it. In fact, I am quite certain that the writers wrote conflicting indicators into this show just to preserve some mystique about Sherlock and to make us question what we think we know about him. You are free to believe what you like, just don’t tell others they’re wrong, okay? No one has the definitive answer on this. It is all a matter of interpretation. Unfortunately, people are too hasty assign motivations to interpretations and that’s where these things get testy.

If you want my opinion on it, I have never really envisioned the Sherlock I saw on screen as a virgin. Nor does it bother me to imagine that he and Irene got it on because even though they’re not my otp, I don’t see why him having sex with her would diminish any other relationship. It’s here nor there for me. In the end, Sherlock told my Molly - my fave, fave character - that he loved her and she has the only claim that really matters to my shipper heart, the one on his affections.

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