Sherlolly: A Male Newbies Perspective part 1
(Sherlock meta by penelope1730)
My son and his three friends have been watching Sherlock. The four of them are young men, between 24-25, college graduates – one is still in film school (chicago) receiving his masters degree. They’re having a great time watching the show, pretty much love everything about Sherlock, and have yet to finish watching HLV – which will probably happen over the weekend.
None of them know I ship Sherlolly. They simply think I find the show impressive and appreciate my ‘critical’ analysis – and my blue ray dvd’s.
I found their perspective on Sherlock / Molly interesting, insightful and funny (while I thoroughly enjoyed playing Devil’s Advocate). So, I thought I’d share some of their random comments and observations through episodes, although not all of them. This post would be way too long. Also, I’m not quoting anyone specifically — just the essence of the conversations that took place over several days.
Four new male Sherlollians have been borne and they don’t even know it. Although they didn’t have to wait two very long years.
A Study in Pink:
Sherlock is introduced unzipping a body bag, along with Molly watching him.
Guys: “Dude, she’s hot!” “Is that his girlfriend?”
Me: “No.”
Guys: “Yes, she is. She’s being introduced with him, and she’s hot. She’s his love interest, otherwise they’d use someone unimportant. Hot chicks are always important, especially when introduced with the lead character.” The last comment is from the film student.
They watch Sherlock beat the dead corpse, and Molly watching on:
Guys: now they’re really laughing and making jokes.
“Dude! Look how he’s showing off.” (more laughter) - “She wants to ‘do’ him.” Random comments are made wondering if their girlfriends would get turned on if they beat a dead corpse, and if Sherlock and Molly ‘do it’ in the autopsy bay. I suppose they forget I’m present. ~sigh~
Me: “No, they do not ‘do it’ in the autopsy bay.”
Molly asking Sherlock out for coffee:
Guys: (laughter) “See, she’s totally turned on. Told you so.”
Sherlock giving Molly his ‘coffee’ order and later when she brings him coffee:
Hysterical laughter ensues, along with a running commentary:
“Ouch!” “What a fucking douche” “I gotta try that the next time a girl asks me out.” “He’s still turned on by her, he talks about her lipstick. Guys don’t talk lipstick, they talk lips.” “He’s messing with her head.” “No, dude, she scares the fucking shit out him.” “True.”
Me: “Wait, what? What do you mean he’s scared of her. He’s an asshat.”
Guys: “Yeah, he’s a prick, but it’s Sherlock and she just asked him out after he beat a dead body, she might be twisted.” “Awesome! He should totally go for it.”
Me: “He’s a virgin.”
Guys: “What the fuck?!” “No, he’s not. How do you get that? He’s just fuckin’ with her head, like flirting.” “Didn’t you ever flirt or date, mom, what’s the matter with you?”
Me: “Ummm, that does not look like flirting to me.”
Guys: “Not by a regular dude. Sherlock’s a nerd, he’s a brainiac genius so he plays head and word games. That’s how he flirts. He’s teasing her, keeping her confused so she stays interested.”
Me: “If that’s what he’s doing, it’s pretty mean.”
Guys: (they all look at me) “Shut up. You don’t know what you’re talking about. Women do shitty stuff all the time, too.”
Me: “So, it’s okay to be misogynistic?” (messing with them)
Guys: “What? No he’s not. Be quiet.” “Do they get together by the end of the episode?”
Me: “No. I told you they’re not together. She’s not his girlfriend.”
Guys: “You don’t know what you’re talking about. She’s his woman, it’s how the show is setting them up.”
Me: (laughing) “No, it’s not. She wasn’t even suppose to be a regular. Just a one time appearance.”
Guys: “Whatever. You don’t watch enough television to know how characters are set-up. You shouldn’t talk about things you don’t know.”
The film student now explains to me how and when characters are introduced along with their meaning to the protagonist, colors used, lighting and camera angles. I understand, of course, but enjoy playing dumb. 
The Great Game:
Sherlock and John in the lab. Molly comes in.
Guys: (attempting to convince me something is going on between Sherlock and Molly)
“There she is. See, they’re working together.” “That’s cause she’s smokin.’” “True dat.”
Me: […]
Jim from IT comes in.
Guys: “Oh, dude! Cock fight!” “Jim is the bad guy, right?”
Me: “Just watch the damn show. Stop talking over the dialogue.”
They all laugh at Sherlock’s “gay” comment and Jim leaving his phone number with comments like:
“Awesome move, little dude.” “Sherlock’s pissed.” “Does he tell Molly the dude is gay?” “He’s not gay, he’s the bad guy. Watch.”
(I honestly don’t know how they even know what’s going on because they talk so much.)
Guys: “Oooo, smack down.” “Wrong move, Molly.” “He’s really pissed off.” “Don’t mess with the genius. They’re dangerous.”
Me: “Wait. Why do you think he’s pissed off?”
Guys: (first, my son tells me to leave, he’s tired of me ‘acting stupid’ - except they’re at my house, so where am I gonna go???”)
“Molly brought in another guy, she told him it’s a ‘romance,’ she’s throwing it in his face and the dude is pissing in Sherlock’s pond.” “Guys know you never talk about a girl’s weight. It’s a rule. Unless she’s cheated on him, or done something really wrong, then you talk about her weight to get back at her.” “My dad once told my mom she was gaining weight and he slept in the guest room for over a month.” “When’s he gonna figure out the gay dude is a bad guy?”
Me: “Wth? I think you’re seeing things that aren’t there. Y’all just think Molly’s hot and projecting.”
Guys: “Fuck yeah she’s hot.” “She’s pissed. Sherlock’s not getting any for a long time.”
(I’m not saying a word) 
A Scandal in Belgravia:
Short version: These guys loved this episode. Like seriously thought it was the most bad ass of what they’d seen so far. They talked about how the episode showed Sherlock is not a virgin, but probably a sexual maniac and in overload. He’s mean to Molly, because he thought she was acting like the other woman, sexually manipulative, and she’s not suppose to be like that. Only she’s not and Sherlock kicks himself for being a douche.
One of them brought up the three kisses comment from A Study in Pink as a romantic attachment and pointed out Molly put three kisses on her gift to Sherlock. My son said he hoped Molly took her present back. They all felt really bad for her.
Messing with them, I mention that Sherlock has a thing for Irene, is really into her. They didn’t agree. They thought she intrigued him and he did find her hot because of the ‘bad girl’ thing, but that she plays games and he could never trust her. They said if Sherlock got laid he’d feel better.
I mention the fact that he saved Irene at the end. They all thought that was cool, because Sherlock wouldn’t let her die. She’s not as clever as she thought, and he felt pity for her. 
The Reichenbach Fall:
This was a game changer for the guys. Keeping it short — they believe when Sherlock told Molly to cancel her lunch date, that he needed her to help him, it was because he wanted to keep her safe. Actually, I’ve always thought the same thing. He didn’t know what Moriarty would do — he took John the last time and might try for Molly. They thought how Sherlock told her was funny, but that’s the stuff he does when he’s afraid.
When Molly said she didn’t count. Lots of groans and comments:
“No way.” “That’s fucked up.” “Dude, you better tell her you love her.” “Score! Molly deduced Sherlock.”
(Seriously? How do these guys ‘get it’ so quickly? I have to keep convincing myself, but they’re certain. They don’t have any doubt.)
Sherlock tells Molly she counts, she’s always counted, he’s always trusted her and needs her. Lots of ‘high fives’ and:
Guys: “I told you so. That’s his woman.” “About time he told her he loves her.”
Me: “Wait. He didn’t say that. He didn’t say ‘I love you.’ He just said he trusts her and needs her help.”
Guys: (including my son) “Sherlock’s not going to say ‘I love you’ like a normal guy. It’s not how he does it.” “Pay attention – he told her he loves her.” “He’s trusting her with his life, mom, what more do you want him to do? He said he doesn’t do sentiment. That’s how he tells her.” “You’re not watching the same show as we are. Be quiet.” “He doesn’t tell John his death is fake, but tells Molly because he doesn’t want her to suffer.” “Why can’t you see that?”
(I’m really falling from grace playing the Devil’s Advocate and told to be quiet, a lot) 
The Empty Hearse:
They initially thought the first reveal was how Sherlock survived the fall was real. And, they loved the window crashing scene and kissing Molly. Thought it was awesome. They want to do that too. They also believe the last theory Sherlock told Anderson, but still think part of the first one was true, like Sherlock kissing Molly. Who knew these guys would be such die-hard shippers????
They talk about Molly and how she’s wearing more make-up, is presented even prettier, wearing brighter colored clothing, meaning she has more significance to Sherlock. The camera is softer on her - setting up romance. They talk about all the technical aspects.
Sherlock and Molly solving crimes together - They were into it.
The hallway scene, unfortunately, gets ugly.
Son and friends: (especially son) “What!? That’s seriously fucked up. ‘Oh, Molly, how could you fucked him over like that? How could you do that. You didn’t believe him. (they say that to the television) That’s just wrong.”
Me: What the hell are you talking about? How did Molly screw over Sherlock?
Guys (and son) very adamant: “Are you serious? He told her he loved her, she should have fucking waited for him. What’s her problem?”
Me: “I told you, he didn’t tell her he loved her. Why are you so upset?”
Guys: “Yes he did! Look how sad he is? She’s with another dude.” “This sucks.” “See! He just told her again that he loves her and she’s standing there acting like it’s no big deal.” “How long before he loses his shit? You know he’s gonna do something fucked up because of this and John.”
Me: “He said she mattered. But, he was gone for two years. Two years. What? She’s suppose to sit around wondering, trying to interpret Sherlock code-speak?”
Guys: “Fuck yeah. She knows him. And he didn’t use code-speak. It’s geek-speak and she should know because she’s a geek too. He told her she mattered the most, wtf.“ "He’s trying to be cool about it, but he’s not.” “Oh, dude, that is so harsh.” “He lost his woman. She dumped him.”
(These guys are seriously bummed)
At the end, where Sherlock meets Tom:
Guys: “This is stupid.” “I thought British television was suppose to be smart.” “Wow, that dude is ugly.” “Ewww.” “What the fuck is the matter with Molly?”
Me: “Well, now you see she missed Sherlock. Found someone that reminded her of him.”
Guys: “No she didn’t. She found someone who’s tall, wears a long coat and scarf. He’s nothing like Sherlock.” “And, he’s fugly. How could she kiss that dude.” “Does Molly grow a brain or does she keep acting stupid?”
Me: “Watch the rest of season 3 and you’ll find out. But, you really think Sherlock loves Molly? Cause I’m not sure I see it.”
They leave. Pissed off. I had fun, but poor Molly.
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