Does Sherlock realize he loves Molly in the ILY scene?
I say yes. I think he realizes it the second time he says it.
But moreso, we've been told in various ways since as early as Scandal in Belgravia, that Molly is the only person who sees through Sherlock's bullshit. John even says it in The Lying Detective. Sherlock says it in The Reichenbach Fall. So that first time Sherlock says "I love you", we can tell it's forced, and so can Molly. Look at her incredulous smile after he says it. But then, he says it again, and his tone and facial expression say he just figured something out. He just figured out that it's true. So he says it again, and now Molly knows he's not she says it back.
If it wasn't true, she would know, and she wouldn't have said it back. We know from other episodes that Molly is no longer afraid to stand up to Sherlock, to call him out when he's being a bastard.
One last thing. John is in danger, Sherlock is calm and collected. Mycroft in danger, Sherlock is calm and collected. Mrs. Hudson in danger, Sherlock is calm and collected. Always calculating, always thinking, always acting with a purpose, even though we may not see it or understand it. There's only one time this entire show when Sherlock Holmes completely LOSES. HIS. SHIT. And that time is when he smashes that coffin. Because of Molly. Sorry, but you can't tell me that there isn't a strong emotional connection there, of a type he's not really experienced before.
Yes...that's true too! You're absolutely right. The only time Sherlock loses it is what happened with Molly. Even Cumberbatch said that in the interview. Holy cannoli you guys on this thread are good at deductions!
Benedict and Loo played the scene like he does love her. Moffat says no, but he's a fan of turning secondary characters into props to show off his hero's brilliance and/or tortured soul. I'm used to ignoring what he says in interviews.
Eurus certainly thinks he loves her. Consider this point that I saw on tumblr earlier today: When you die, it's not you who decides what to put on your grave (or in this case, coffin). It's the grieving friends and family left behind. So when this poor, practical, 5'4 woman with no family dies, who is it that has the 'I Love You' engraved on her coffin?
Also, the Woman couldn't make Sherlock beg. Molly did, and neither one made him say "I love you" twice, he did that on his own.
That's very true flor12186. I never thought of that. The engraving of I love you on the coffin would have been put there not by Molly, but by someone Eurus does think Sherlock loves her. That's a genius deduction!
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