Monday, 13 February 2017

Mary and Molly
 (Sherlock meta sherlocklock)

 In my head, I see a link between the scene in which John beats up Sherlock and the scene in which Sherlock beats up the coffin. Both have been trying to keep it together, but their love just overflows and comes out in violence.

There is a link between John and Mary’s relationship and Sherlock and Molly’s, I think. Both Mary and Molly push their respective partners to be the best versions of themselves. Both really see their partners for what they are. Both never fail to call their partners on their shit.

My friend once asked, “Well, is Molly good enough for Sherlock?” And people say, “Molly is too quiet, she’s just a plot device to be a love interest.” But I love Molly Hooper. Because she is quiet. She is soft spoken. And with a single glance or a small phrase she can make an intellectual asshole (I love you Sherlock but you are or at least used to be an asshole) apologize. She’s made him apologize…twice. And Mary does the same with John…remember the graveyard scene in The Abominable Bride with Mary?

“I’m taking Mary home.”


“Mary’s taking me home.”


(those quotes aren’t verbatim, but that’s the general idea)

THAT is why I ship Sherlolly. Because she is one of the few that can make Sherlock attempt to be a better guy, like Mary does with John. As much as I ADORE Irene, I think that was more based on sex than on actual emotion (though honestly, if this had ended with Irene walking through the door, I would have been happy too).

But you know what? Molly is unique. She is good enough. And now, the whole world can see it. Thank you Motfiss. Thank you so much.

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